Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Arctic, I think you can verify the token count. Intensify was trading with me while you were also trading with me, and that’s why he dipped on you.

i might be missing something but how does judging whether or not someone is a sinner help us solve the game

granted that sinning in this game is not mastermind AI

i don’t think MM would lie about this when they have no specific MM-only areas to go or nothing to tamper with


because i can tell you for certain if they’ve done majorly immoral things
in a case where we actually have a murder mystery
or something

yeah that makes sense lmao

what happened from my PoV:
App asked everyone for tokens
I offered to trade 50-50 with Intensify
Arctic offered to trade 50-50 with me
I agreed and traded Arctic
Intensify agreed a bit later and traded with me
Intensify offered 49 tokens to App
I gave App 20 Arctic tokens in the gift shop

ok but i still don’t see how that’s useful
how does solving a murder mystery do anything for us, especially if it’s a dead person

that’s true
I partly wanted to check if she was really going to her cabin when she said she was, though, and I admit it was at the time I still thought the MM could be the card placer.

because the Mastermind might have to take matters into their own hands at some point

dirty work

Trochi can confirm I gave them all 100 marluxion tokens for another use of stats

doesn’t that mean the MM would only be caught by you if they perform a murder?
I have reason to doubt that this ever happens tbh.

they told me that as well so I believe you

look much more important is that PKR will die if I do, and killing PKR is probably contrary to your interests.

why is killing PKR contrary to our interests

I don’t know how much I individually care about you or PKR ability-wise, but killing two people at the same time when we can just kill one is definitely anti-town since that’s just an extra win for the MM.

Because he’s not the mastermind 100%

because zone will go apeshit if you do that
and other reasons

but also

like honestly, if you absolutely have to kill one of them, kill PKR first so we don’t have a double death.
I’m opposed to that for various reasons but eventually I suppose it would have to be done.