Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

why would you even give the mm a vote related ability
that makes no logical sense from a setup perspective

  • “Mastermind is a dumbass added to the court record”

so they’re able to ‘vote’ the sacrifice while being able to gain cred by having their own vote on someone else

but that was main phase 1
sac always gets nommed

not necessarily
jane didn’t even vote herself

if they’re using their brain

wait TL and Zone had vote manipulation in that Zone could manipulate votes in TL’s favor

god people are weird

unless we’re assuming that both mist and blizer are lying which is lol

both lying would be incredibly villagery

Arctic didn’t turn out to be the sacrifice so changing TL’s vote to Arctic would be in town’s favor, wouldn’t it

it has to have been someone on jane because the votes there aren’t accounted for

this would’ve happened if TL’s vote was on the actual sacrifice I think?

that’s empty speculation when you don’t know the ability wording

This is an interesting post and thought here. A bad one, but one non the less.

Hmm but active people could also be in the PoE, activity doesnt matter as much as how much that actual person is doing something to advance the game

PoE for main game 1 from him is eww here

I remember this. He claims this and says he can check rooms and find out the purpose of said rooms. Ehhhhhh

Interesting post to make ngl

didn’t Zone post it

oh nvm TL voted Light, that shouldn’t have been affected.

I don’t think they nailed down exactly how it worked
and ‘favor’ is not something you use in a setup

hmm, I’ll just question Zone about it later for reference.

if any vote was changed then it has to have been someone on jane that was changed, so i don’t think zone used his ability