Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

When I argue against you
It’s because I think you’re wrong
not because I have a vendetta against you

it’s all things we already know and only 1 thing we don’t know for sure.
and that would be determined by which card Intensify ends up holding.

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I know that
but I have reason to think I’m right on this.

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if you explain it
and it makes sense
I’ll seriously add it to the pile™

I don’t want retribution for it so I’m not explaining it unless I’m either in the PoE and you guys decide to chop me, or Intensify flips non-sac.

but if I do end up dead, there’s someone else who knows my theory anyway.


dont pull a pkr here

explain it


new sentence

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Unless you think its like

incredibly EV- to out this info

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I’m not pulling a PKR but I’m not explaining it
and it doesn’t really involve Intensify as much as you think it would.

I think it’s dangerous for me personally to out the info and it will end up being nothing more than a tinfoil if Intensify has the sac card which makes me a retribution target.

Even disregarding mech stuff
Wind is probably just a villager

this dedication to exploring every possible outcome is just
insane effort that doesn’t realistically pan out for mm?

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no it’s just my overactive imagination

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yes it’s an overactive imagination
but an mm would curb it to you know

make sure that their posts were in line with their agenda

I unfortunately can’t control it so I will keep coming up with weird theories until proven wrong

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so like

I’ll publicly out what my theory is after the second trial is over.

And that means I must prove


protect windward until the endgame at all costs

if I die during the second trial, my backup can just out my theory

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