Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

i traded with apprentice and got commoner


Arc’s fourth trade probably doesn’t matter

I mean, we might as well know, no reason not to.


Who’s tokens did Arc use tho

i have no reason to hide this information because all it does is create uncertainty which i no longer need to hide behind since i was not nominated

arctic is playing the game strictly optimally here
i think he’s probably not the Mastermind

i used windward’s tokens, the only ones i had

Huh alright.

i will hard agree on this one

we’re also not quickhammering anything until everyone has outted their votes

i voted for marl

Full trade list:

  1. PKR Commoner traded with Arctic Commoner (Reasoning: Avoid big brain)
  2. PKR Commoner traded with Trochi Commoner (Reasoning: Try to save them since they claimed sacrifice)
  3. Windward Sacrifice traded with Intensify Commoner (Reasoning: Wind didn’t want to die. Idk why particularly Intensify but lol)
  4. Arctic Commoner traded with Apprentice Commoner (Reasoning: Throw me off)

End of card state
PKR’s card (Commoner) owned by Apprentice.
Trochilidae’s card (Commoner) owned by PKR.
Windward’s card (Sacrifice) owned by Intensify.
Intensify’s card (Commoner) owned by Windward.
Apprentice’s card (Commoner) owned by Arctic.

I thought Marl and PKR were working together?

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We were

Wow you betrayed another person.

wait did not even you know the card was bullshit? lmao

How so?

Nope. Marl and TL were with me and they gave me real panic.

you wanted pizzaz
i got you pizzaz

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You just said you were not working with marl anymore

By were I mean at the time.
It doesn’t mean we no longer are lol.
I didn’t vote them and I’m fucking mad someone did.

Heck, I offered myself to die over them.