Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

let’s do it

i’m already going to be murdered next chapter anyway
i have nothing to lose

Alive now


erm im p sure PKR said he was sheilding marl to where marl would never die before pkr

I think what Arctic is saying is “lol ignore that and vote Marl anyway”



my counterargument is “weh”

so, do we go for the boring option is whysper

or the gamer option in marl

Shouldn’t you guys also be deciding who you vote out based on how hard you think it would be to read them as Sacrifice or non-Sacrifice?

Do you want to go full gamer?

do we commit to full gamer

i would be

I’ve been full gamer for years on end

not getting nommed is pretty pog

inherently probably not true
mm randing after creation of cards is very common

Is that how Danganronpa usually works in here?

this isn’t danganronpa

it’s how it worked last DR i’m p sure

in my DR i randed after cards

but we don’t know how it’s done between miscs

What do you mean Danganronpa is the only misc that exists, every other misc is heresy

the thing is marl isn’t even the gamer option

he’s unironically a better vote than whysper because his abilities are more useless and there is no way he can be sacrifice, even less likely than whysper, since i voted him