Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Haha now there’s a take

I’m Soviet Union! I’m good with going communism! Vote Marshal! :slight_smile:

I wish I had my wagon bomb skill now too in case I’m voted :slight_smile:

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Wait I was joking about the politics thing oh no we’ve turned this into the new politics channel

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i am now going to sleep

please consider my proposition because i think it is the best one for everyone here (yes even those part of the group)

at the very least do not lockvote and hammer while i am gone

i can’t say it’s unlikely that pkr and marl will push for this, but i ask you please don’t

Wait don’t the PKR team have like 6 people in them? That’s like almost half the players

5 with zone, but that’s all they need because in trial 3 there will be 10 players remaining

6 with ici though?


let’s kill marl

I’ve decided that I don’t want to die


me too.

But my fate is inevitable

I still think voting Marshal is funny

you had your chance last round app

you weren’t keymaster though

that’s the only reason it’s funny

How about you stop making it sound like it’s fucking survivor.
I’m dying over Marl but I don’t think it’s optimal to kill either of us.

I meant phase 1

I could have been top wagon

Please don’t vote Marl. Vote me
I see yall are thinking about offing Marl… please.
I’m probably going to end up self voting here.

Why vote you
Case your slot as w


Vote me because I have tried to kill multiple people, even at the beginning of the game by not helping with the key puzzle.

I also tried to get others killed during this chapter by lying to you all for my selfish survival.

I don’t deserve to live.
Marl got caught in the crossfire.