Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

whysper isn’t the sacrifice lmao

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all votes are accounted for so idk what you’re talking about.

i love how wind/marl/zone are all saying they only need 1 more chapter blah blah blah

yes you only need 1 more chapter to gain majority

What do you have proof that my claim of the fourth trade is fake?

I don’t even need another chapter, I’m just plain not in the PoE so I can’t possibly die unless the sacrifice takes me out here.

1 - Wind (Zone)
1 - PKR
1 - Zone (Whysper)
1 - Marl (Arctic)
2 - Marshal (Marshal, Mist)
3 - Whysper (Trochi, Wind, Geyde)
3 - Mist (Marl, Apprentice, Blizer)
3 - Intensify (PKR, Ici)

literally where in this votecount does it show Whysper is the sacrifice? I believe her sage claim and she is therefore a safe vote.

you literally have perspective slipped multiple times, and you’re obviously playing to Sacrifice wincon here

IDK why people arent voting mist

like, what the fuck lol

last trial jane’s votes were accounted for and she was still the sacrifice

seriously, Arctic. Just kill me next chapter and then you don’t have to worry about me if you’re so fucking paranoid. Once I’m gone, nobody’s gonna stop you from getting yourself killed because you don’t make alliances.

How exactly.

None of this benefits me.

I thought I’ve already explained multiple times that no matter what I do here I’m not getting voted

windward isn’t dying period


should ahve had 4 votes

there were 3

me, mist and Amelia claimed to have voted jane, plus self sac vote

not gamethrowing is +EV generally


it’s still not literally imposible that you get voted here, and this is clearly a desperation play to redirect the wagons at the last moment

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well, I need to see someone else die before I do.

yes that’s what i meant

it may appear by votes they can’t be the sacrifice but people like lying

What type of dumb desperation play acknowledges that it wouldn’t work anyways lol?

Besides… the possibility is 100% real. You cant deny it


is the sacrifice self vote on themselves hidden or shown?

did intensify ever answer about the tracker on them