Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Ici, its actually EV+ to do so

like im ngl, if he continues to do so after this chapter, hes actually gonna ruin the health of this game

i can play both sides fairly openly this next chapter
it’s a pity that you can’t

ici you are the 6th person in it
they can only take 4 to endgame and i can pretty confidently say you won’t be one of them they plan on keeping around

This plan sounds pretty smart except you’re telling us your motives and actions right here…

You literally traded the Sac card to me but alright

that doesn’t make my reasoning unsound.


if you dont, i will break off that protection i gave you

Yeah I know but like… isn’t it smarter to just keep qieut?

well arctic
you’ll see

I didn’t ask everyone else for an opinion. I just said whom I was trading and it’s entirely on me because it was an independent decision. The only one who was opposed to it was App, for your knowledge.

no, not particularly. i’d prefer it if everyone knew it was -EV to kill me.

oh sorry i forgot you’re the mastermind


What if the real Mastermind was the friends and enemies we made along the way?

Ah so Geyde and App were in this were they now

App asked me if I would consider anyone else to trade the card to, and I said yes.
So I considered all options and still concluded, of all the people in the game, you were still among the options of people who would not lose us the game if killed.
Meaning the only thing you had going for you was App’s sworn protection, but I was willing to take the chance that he’d give you the chance to get yourself out of the situation. He said he wouldn’t stop me but if you asked for help, he would help, and I said I was ok with that because I figured at the very least, you wouldn’t trade it back to me as you probably thought Trochi had the card at that point.

I don’t think Geyde knew about this unless App told him tbh. I hardly saw him in Chapter 2.

lowkey icibalus has very high mm equity

she ensured she used her ultimate in the worst way possible by immediately using it before we had any information

she’s also perfectly fine sitting with the majority group and this is what the MM wants, because they are more likely to vote out keymaster or sacrifice by the amount of people they refuse to vote

Ok so App was being gamer noted

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indeed he was

see, the majority alliance is going to fall apart anyway
but it’s better for it to fall apart when you’re inside it
than when you’re outside it