Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

at least i know for sure that i’ve voted suboptimally :)

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I rescind what I said earlier and the people who locked their votes have it a bit easier lol

thing is we need more than exactly 1 tiebreaking vote on someone’s wagon to ensure the mm and sacrifice don’t fuck it up.

Intensify can i have your tokens now

Don’t let them just walk over us both.

We tried to save Trochi before, together.
We ended up having the plan to try and save each other.
When people were going to vote you, I AtE’d so hard to put the spotlight on me to save you.
You can save me.

Honestly, i dont have a bone to pick with Marl

you on the other hand


this thread is too long



this is false
everyone knows i am down to vote out the mechanically optimal person each trial
if marl proves that he is useful in terms of abilities and/or solving i will have no reason to suggest voting him again

at least the bird roadkill incident had one upside

Hello mist

did you lock your vote?

@PokemonKidRyan look at whyspers VC and tell me if my vote actually makes a difference on anyone other than voting myself

If anyone is changing your vote, please use the /vote here to make it clear. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I agree that voting out PKR is more mechanically optimal than voting out Whysper, ftr

but the lockvotes on Whysper worry me because they can’t be moved so we have to make sure that absolutely everyone who says they’re voting PKR does, in fact, vote PKR or the MM and sacrifice can freely fuck with the vote total.


morning misty

If you vote Whys it puts it to 6 on them.
It could change things.

voting PKR is bad for me but honestly
we’re in an awkward position because of the locked votes
i won’t stop you

sup mist

it seems to be PKR as an option > marl

vote pkr maybe?

also on another note
can we talk about the fact that ici having this connection with PKR is genuinely a really unhealthy game mechanic and will probably make the game much less interesting since they can always just confirm each other and whatnot

but at least consider another plan


should i