How is it unhealthy?
Yall basically get a free noose on me.
like i don’t knowhow this was supposed to be a good idea
Negihbour hoods in a game full of neutrals be like that
the odd thing is that there was briefly a moment where Whysper had majority votes on her and there were at least 2 more votes on her than on the next largest wagon (Marl)
and yet people aren’t satisfied with that possibility
nah, i was just wondering
vote pkr please
yes and we’re using it
oh pkr is asking to die
I’m literally fucking not.
no this game would be way more fun if me and PKR didn’t have the soulbind on each other trust me
Hey guys what if we tie the vote three way so we let RNG decide
because in the event Ici revived someone actively against her wincon, it would’ve made things very spicy
meaning there were more possibilities than just reviving a non-MM.
My guess is that the MM can die, the game can still continue, and the MM can also be revived.
I don’t think that’s physically possible at this point.
didnt you lock a vote on yourself
this is the greatest joke of all time
the person asking to die the entire game and trying to be a hero, when actually placed on the chopping block now does not want to die
I said I wouldn’t kill Arctic but if you’re not the sac I’ll go after you next.
i just wanted PKR back in order to solve the mystery of his own murder and then this got thrust upon me
if you are somehow sac in this world
i wouldnt be mad at you
the thing is, you arent, so im really not happy with you
lmao i already suggested this
Ooh but you don’t want to risk me being actual Sac do you now…
So it’s optimal that you never vote me but good joke
yes, we’ve all noticed this lol.
so much for being the hero
PKR, please at least try to go down with honor if you’re going to save Marl and don’t make people split their votes again.