Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

oh you mean if the sacrifice isn’t voted out.
good question

I think I would die? If he isn’t voted out.
Unless there can be a way in which I “directly caused his death” using that factor?

I guess by voting him and telling people not to vote him, it might count?
I need to check with Wazza.

*not voting him

this all would’ve been a lot less complicated if we could have waited to resurrect until Chapter 2 and therefore still had Gorta as a possibility for PoE, but I guess Zone might’ve gone nuts.

I feel like Zone and Trochi might’ve slit some throats.

Which, I’m happy to have such… protective friends

Also I have doubts that Arc is the sacrifice here. If he was the sacrifice, why wouldn’t he just continue pushing me and others when we were all deciding to veto him?

He’s obviously doing something off course and sacrificey so that he doesn’t get voted out here

the thing is they couldn’t have killed anyone else if you remained dead, and by waiting till Chapter 2 to revive you, it would’ve reduced the total number of deaths in this chapter to only 1 (GGhana).

Zone specifically couldn’t kill Arctic because you were already dead lol
so that’s my point. we could’ve kept one more player in the game by waiting.

I’m agreeing with this.
Honestly I also don’t think Wind is the sacrifice.

But I also don’t want them dead so if yall aren’t voting them then :slight_smile:

yeah I’m not the sacrifice, I claimed commoner lol
but whatever

PKR, can you whisper your neighbors in this phase, or does it all still have to go through Ici? I’m just curious lol.

I’m fairly sure it has to go through Ici? But I’m not 100% sure.
I wish I could whisper my neighbours :frowning:

Since then I can talk to TL still

then the healer needs to get along with my friends

what confuses me is whether Ici can whisper you in this phase anyway, since he’s not your neighbor.

of course

Do we need a healer…?

I mean… if we just use common sense and don’t do anything stupid, we won’t suffer any serious injuries

it would be good for the healer to start with not getting killed by Zone lol.

points at Ici’s nosedive through the glass floor

Ici is a gamer