Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

At First

it was everybody hates gorta


Everybody hates Trochi

anyway i think whatever Arctic is, he isn’t the Sage here so I don’t see a reason why we should put him in the PoE, in case he actually is Keymaster or Sacrifice. There’s a higher chance he’s one of those two than anything killable (Commoner), so it makes more sense to keep him out of the PoE since we don’t want to kill a KM or Sac.

when the fuck did this happen

I’m at a distinct disadvantage
I’m seeing a clique and I’m not part of it

And I hardly think having allies in marshal/blizer/ici/trochi is enough allies

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How many times were you knocked out

that should tell you all you know

That would be nice yes

wrong, it started during the pregame already
that was sad lol

you’re geyde
i say this not entirely as a joke

Who wants to be allies™
It’s mutually beneficial

Well… I don’t believe he’s the Keymaster nor Sacrafice, but in the case that Arc is Keymaster, a Sage would notify us after the nomming process has been done

raises hand

blizer is 100% not the mastermind
because this is a sacrifice / commoner villager play

didn’t we have a rather large group gathered in the bar yesterday?

The Blizer Move would be to say yes

the gamer move would be to decline, and default dance in your face

but I don’t think pkr/you/tl would be against voting me if push came to shove
that’s the vibe I got at least

I wouldn’t necessarily buy that

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fuck this

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I have other reasons to add onto it
Mostly about how he goes about reads

That is some salt i see from Troch

That gives me more chaotic energy