Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

On top of that, we can also kill the Commoner claims while we are at it.

If they don’t say who they are, they don’t have a story that people can check up on, and thus people don’t have anything they can be called on.

I’m fine with voting someone who claimed Sacrifice tbh.

Bruh. I have small brain.
Explain it in dumb terms.
Not “everyone” has big brains like yours.
Even if the majority has big brains, I don’t.

Alright, let’s vote @Intensify and @Marshal.
–ah, but @Geyde claimed Sage with Marshal as Keymaster, so we can probably just vote him too.

At this early stage, going for big-brain Sage/Keymaster gambits is pointless, because people can pretty easily verify them based on actions. The Sacrifice doesn’t wan thtat.

Therefore, the Sacrifice is far better off not claiming and letting people make their own conclusions. That doesn’t guarentee the Sacrifice to be in a particular area, but.

  1. Then what does the Sacrifice want?
  2. Then who do you want to vote?

This phase isn’t the phase to find the Sacrifice. This phase is to eliminate troublseome players, purely because the chances of us hitting the Sacrifice are far lower than they will be later.

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I am really getting bored of this “strategy talks”.
Why can’t we just throw people under the bus?
The odds of hitting Keymaster through pure RNG is 1/18 and hitting the Sacrifice is not the end of the world either, so I really don’t care if we kill the Sacrifice or not.

Wouldn’t that be just me then?
Can’t we get rid of me?

zone you do realise that trying to win is probably +EV for our win chances right

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You see, i just got my coffee

and i see what zone said here

and it just makes me feel likes hes Sacrifice

but then there was Arctic earlier with his behaviour

so yeah, idk between those two, i feel like they have the highest Sacrifice Equity at this point of time

then just don’t nominate them and try to eliminate other players that could kill you later
it’s pretty simple

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Yes, and…? It’s not as if I had any good reputation in this site in the first place.

I just came here for fun, and… considering the difference of activity/timezone, I’d say that -even if I don’t die now- I will be a second gorta, and a second Blizer will just come and kill me.

Heck, Blizer tried to cut my Achilles, so what’s the difference between dying now and dying later?

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I don’t see anyone besides Arctic being sacrifice tbh.

have you tried not gamethrowing

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To be fair

one, i cant kill anymore, i used it on treeman

two, you were actually trying to kill people at the time

i figured, best way to limit your abilities of doing so, was to remove your ability to walk


i know two people were dead and you couldnt kill anyone

but like, if ici didnt revive pkr

you would be trying to kill people, specifically arctic, in chapter 2

Okay. Let’s say I won’t gamethrow, and I will do everything in my power to keep myself alive.

–in that case I don’t have to do jack shit because Blizer and Marshal already wrote me off as Sacrifice, so I am unlikely to get voted by them and the people who follow them.

Which means that I technically don’t have any obligations to direct where the votes will be going; I don’t have to do anything but vote; I would be literally no different than the people who won’t be nominated.

–but where’s the fun in that? So then I tried to discuss about who we should nominate, but then everyone appears to be indecisive as fuck because of their own differing POVs.

So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

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