Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

When then I guess he’s guilty :^)

im thesage dabudeedabuday

Yep. I fully came forth with everything to Ici.
I’m not one to just backstab him

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Most recent claims. Validity is another thing, but claims are claims.

i know some people got pretty upset with the bridge breaking stunt and the whole rowan-summoning
i can promise not to bring the giant plant monster out if several people will just sit in the room i put the flower in with me okay?
i’ve proven it has no adverse effects and it’s basically the only good thing i can even do so i kinda need people to come


Although yes

PKR is the least likely to backstab someone intentionally here tbh

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Marshal has claimed all of Keymaster, Sacrifice, and Sage at this point. I personally agree that he’s all three.

i see

your the sadge


Apprentice is the Keymaster. All the other keymasters are faking it.

Okay. I guess we can safely kill you two then.

I mean I have danganronpa games worth of evidence to back it

if i could get a list of people willing to come with me closer to next explore phase that would be great
you don’t even have to come immediately as long as you stay for an hour while the flower is still there

What about DR3, again?

Yep, Ici picked a damn well safe choice lmao.

I literally made an agreement with Ici and everyone.
If people want Ici dead, he is to die by my hand, nobody else.
This way instead of 2 players missing out, I complete my spirit alt wincon and become the queen again.

He didn’t want to backstab min, who outted to him

He also didn’t want to backstab me and then I was actually Mastermind

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Hehe ultimate paparazzi

DR1: Killed Marsh to avenge him
DR2: Trolled and died Chapter 1
DR3: Survived entire game and fought with my allies. Failed at end
HPU: Died chapter 4.

hehe ultimate botanist

We do have an agreement, yes. If I’m Dying To Death™ and there’s no realistic chance of me surviving, I let PKR kill me.

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