Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

you didn’t out, why’s that?

you son of a bitch

dude I literally just confirmed I traded the sac card to you

I love you

but heck you

Okay question

the trade to intensify

was that the second or third trade

one handed typing plus disabled

Why do you guys believe Trochi when she revealed a fake Sac card wtf

the third one

intensify being a thug is a character arc and a half

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pkrs second with me was legit

why didn’t you thunderdome me?

Who was the second trade then?

Because I forgot to mention, lockvoting is in fact enabled.

pkr and me

Trochi and PKR

oh okay


intensify you can’t get out of this
like 4 people were in on my plan from the start

Woah woah ok listen.

Why do you guys suddenly believe Trochi, she literally pulled this out of nowhere with no progresssion, I’m an easy target, that’s why she’s targeting me

how would intensify even pull off the trade
even with shadow man that would give them the tokens of a dead person

Intensify question

why trade with App

thats an actual legit question, cause you had a bunch of people you could have traded it too

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