Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Is it not theoretically possible for intensify to have done the tradey trade thing with someone else.



cuz I was involved in final trade

No because I don’t have anyone else’s tokens

oh wait mm and self



wooooo baby!

self, mm, passive +1

woooo survivor time

it’s only the first voting phase. since Intensify votes himself he’s going to end up in the PoE either way, but as long as nobody else votes in the second round and we make a nearly unanimous decision like we did with Amelia, it’s fine.

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…alright then please call me Bird y’all

oh did you use the tokens I traded you?

No comment.

you see that’s the issue
it’s very plausible that people split for friendship reasons

did you waste your tokens by eating them…


if I dont get into s7 im voting trochi

only birdo knows what this means

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never have i seen a man get default danced upon by so many people

Rip intensify, they nay nay`d you

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No comment again.

honestly it’s my fault for trading him the card

no comment but here’s a noncommittal joycat

seth/crich/gorta uninformed hydra is the way