Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

oh don’t you d a r e

we ain’t going there sir even if i am cursed

anyways i have a hot take


hot take tm: the way mist acted to my open claiming sac was really weird for mm
she kept challenging pkr’s decision to take it from me and repeatedly said if trochi wants to die let them die

i feel like mm!mist wouldn’t be so strongly in favor of this and having a very easy trial as a result

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I like this

thank you

I don’t

It’s the other way around though: I was the one who invited him.

go on

I just don’t think it’s a super clear

also PKR was literally going “I’m going to die for the cause.”

the trial would be the exact same level of outted

alright did i miss anything important


but I missed something important


you when you were gone :smile_cat:

you missed a Lot

Before I say anything more: Who looted TL’s corpse?

also intensify is outted sacrifice and we’re playing survivor

yeah this basically

because i am a GAMER

Yes I am Sacrifice you should not vote me unless you do gamer things

Als about Dennis Marshal, why the hell did you try to impersonate as Mist