Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

this is very ungamer

Tbf he had a hand in pulling off the trade fiasco so that’s an actual reason

doesn’t mean I don’t like her as a person

who do you think stole em?
cause if you think intensify they’re uh
99% dying here as sac

I have not stolen your coins
Unless you count trading coins with you as stealing

and at that point I’d hope you’d think that breathing isn’t a crime

maybe the person who traded w/ me believed my Keymaster claim?

idk why they did it lul

For the last time.

My talent has nothing to do with shadows jezuz

Yeah just loot tokens off Intensify when he dies
But if he actually stole the tokens I think he would’ve traded anyway

I just can’t wait for the new item shop to open up

i’m not saying i think you are
i’m asking if zone thinks you are

I dunno, but for reasons unknown, they didn’t steal my PKR tokens.
Meanwhile, there was someone who knew I had Zone tokens and App tokens, because he traded those with me…

if you wanna try to figure it out let’s make a list and cross out people who’s abilities are confirmed

Trochi has Rowan. The one who stole my tokens was “a shadow”. How can you prove that you can’t summon some type of familiar like Trochi?

because my talent is retailer

I never considered that possibility. I thought it was because the game reached night and we were at a stage where exploring during the night phase causes random stat check rolls.

Tbh, I already forgot who were in the graveyard, but IIRC it was neither Intensify nor Whysper, because Intensify and I were about to help Whysper dig out Jane’s grave.

a retailer can’t summon a spooky ghost, according to most commonly practiced forms of reasoning

I mean I thought the shadow was game generated and not one of us

Retailer: summons the ghost of unreturned purchases

the ultimate retailer?
does that mean token abilities?