Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)


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are you okay

No :upside_down_face:

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do you need a hug

how many forum likes will it take to cheer you up

I’m not much of a hugger but virtual hugs are fine

Oh I’m cheery, I’ve just been awake for 7 hours already lol

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appetite cannot be sated
not without a Quality™ Brand™ Snickers™ bar

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you’re not you when you’re hungry

Bruh I just ate a full breakfast

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I will proceed to suggest useless ideas in order to make a vain attempt at solving a problem that may or may not exist out of some semblance of an attempt to express that ‘I enjoy helping other people’

Who we nuking?


Got it. Lockvoting you.

I’m the keymaster and i say so


gotcha fun fun
virtual hug time

we are not voting zone
that is like trading a queen for a pawn

Anyway we narrowed it down to Mist or Whysper and rng says Mist but head says Whysper