Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Lmao I’m fine with that

If we vote windward out today i’m going full fucking anarchist

no more miss nice weatherwoman

Eh, if I’m in the PoE it’s fine, we need to fill it with people either way.

i offer myself as tribute in the PoE

Whoever before said this round is a race to die, it seems they’re definitely right…
God there seems to be people who we’re all set on defending here.

The mastermind won’t get us to turn on each other

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It’s only gonna get rougher after this

Yep… you’re damn right about that.
To think that 4 people may not be here by next chapter, that’s kinda scary.

Four fewer people to choose from to vote out means even tougher decisions

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i’m trying to make another grid tier list ranking people in terms of mechanical usefulness and how much they’ve been solving the game but it’s quite difficult when i don’t know what abilities everyone has

so i’m putting you guys in the useless section unless you want to tell me

just put me in the useless section, I’m not gonna claim my ability unless people decide to vote me in the PoE

if you don’t want to claim you can at least say whether your ability is useful for helping to solve the game

it is, and Trochi knows what I’ve done with it so far

I can’t know how useful my ability is without first ulting 3 more times

I’ll ult once after this trial to see what cloudy weather means

huh, isn’t it usually the other way around?

ohh your ult is the one that tells you what the weather does, ok

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My ability changes the weather to sunny, cloudy, rainy or thunderstorm but i dont know what each of them do until i ult during that weather

i still don’t really see a world where that’s actually useful for solving puzzles/the game