Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

no worries
it lasted as long as we could get it to last (until lol hostouted)

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I just think Intensify in particular had a very weird reaction to the whole thing, and that there’s a chance he really did make the 4th trade and App is covering for him as I said I thought he might.

i knew it was for protection

I knew there was a chance it could happen, since App had promised to protect Intensify, and I respect it.

at least you weren’t put in the PoE because somebody decided to be ungamer

but in that case he probably knows who the sac actually is, so I’ll just follow his lead when voting if he says not to vote someone.

Zone already voted me, though

It’s because I informed Intensify of it.
I also don’t think it’s possible for them to have traded since they didn’t leave the beach to go to a voting booth?

oh they didn’t? oops
I didn’t even notice lol, and I had a tracker on Intensify

there’s a chance I just didn’t get the latest update, though

if he was still on top of the tree, though, then I guess you’d be correct

I dragged them to my dorm for most of the time.
Then shoved them back out.

And there should be multiple living members here who know whether or not Intensify left after that.
From my memory, they didn’t.

Intensify, Marl, Trochi and Ici were in on my thing. You somewhat knew about it too and I told Zone to “sit back and be prepared”

oh lol ok then
RIP Intensify though

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The thing is, nobody is claiming the 4th trade and this is an issue.
I did the first 2, you did the 3rd and have no reason to have done a 4th

i couldn’t do the 4th even if i wanted to because no tokens

also i have no reason not to out this now but

when me and intensify were discussing trading tokens he was acting really shady about it saying that we do a 100-100 trade and then if either of us get sacrifice then we’ll the other and help vote them out

same, cause I gave tokens to App I wouldn’t have had enough left in the end. I gave my token count somewhere above in the thread here.

i refused because i wanted to give some of my tokens to apprentice and i refuse to help the sacrifice win

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i have no tokens to for a trade

he was shopping for the better deal, but I offered 50-50 as insurance because I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of 100-100 and I could tell he was thinking of counteroffering