Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)


well yes but I was BSing about the jane read itself to keep a scapegoat that’s not me out there

the difference is, i actually cared about whether or not we voted out the sacrifice

commoner!intensify probably does not give a shit so long as he doesn’t get voted

but, like, whatever

we can put up whysper and that can be that

isn’t it funny how it says in the OP you shouldn’t out your roles in the first stage of the Main Game

we’re very good at taking advice

this is because
with 14 players
it’s really easy to dodge sacri

and yet we still nearly lost the first trial

but it’s mostly because you all are alliancing filth

that is because we are FoL, thank you very much


my entire “alliance” is either dead or the main counter option to me


I wasn’t referring to you actually

mist you pose literally no social threat right now it’s a big funny

The only time I’m referring to you is when I have a joke regarding the assassination attempt or when I actually am referring to you directly

yes because half the game just decided they hated me

let me be self centered in peace please

half the game thinks you are MM
the other half wanted to kill you for being a social threat, which you now aren’t

I now want to return to monke

please don’t take my continued drive to murder you as personal, because it’s not

you can feel attacked but it’s not an attack

I don’t belong in either half
I’m in limbo