Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

I feel like I’m just a toy for you :frowning:
I can find a way to kill you… maybe.

Please Wazza give me and Ici a 1-to-1 trust exercise

hmm yes am Sac you caught me

we’ve now linked your FoL account to your hearbeat to make game more interesting

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Good luck with that.

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if I’m MM I let Geyde execute Jane last chapter

also wait

@PokemonKidRyan what was that with you literally trying to kill ici

As can be gleamed by the scars on my face, I’m not the easiest woman to kill.

because I Saw the logs of you and TL… trying to kill ici

thats something an mm would say app

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Wait what? Lol

Idk what you’re talking about.
I think you’re trying to get Ici to get rid of me
As I know I literally never have said that to TL

(Unless I’m misremembering but I don’t think I am)

PKR… you are aware I can banish you to the shadow realm instantly from any distance, right?

Ok but

what was that with you and TL at central beach on the first night?

(I could be misremembering)

Yes, but, I genuinely don’t remember ever saying about killing you.
I said I wanted you KOd so I could take your tokens since I was worried about you having too many and offing me

I thought ici was aware, because she ran into her dorm after that

PKR wasn’t trying to kill me, he was trying to steal my tokens, and for some reason he didn’t want to just… ask me.

That was an autoaction Wazza submitted for me.

Oh, I tried to strangle Ici to make them pass out.
Because I wanted to take their me-tokens so that I couldn’t die via that.

from what I remember

that’s not what was said

but I only saw once and then was removed from PM so
