Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Ok, well, be upset about it but don’t hold it against myself when I was trying to protect both of our behinds here.

And I’m going to kill you in about 48 hours.

FFS Ici, stop using me please. I’ve wanted peace, I’ve offered peace and the only harmful thing I did to you was fully explained and I think you can find it is a fair explanation.

Don’t just kill me over this.

I’m not killing you over that, I’m killing you because you literally said you’d try and wagon to get me killed if you could win from it, which makes your whole “I’d never hurt you!” thing ring somewhat hollow.

You know what? Fuck this.

I want everyone to nominate me and vote me out.
I’m a commoner.

Don’t sacrifice anyone else.

what have i done

And Ici can confirm I’m a commoner, so I’m sure they’d be happy to have me offed.

sigh I feel bad about this to, but I have to look out ofr number one in this game.


isn’t anything to fight or kill over!

@Icibalus confirm I’m a commoner please.

PKR is a Commoner, I can confirm.

nope, this is just a regular, normal, same old PoE!

here is monke to help us be kalm



Vote me out.
Don’t vote Blizer, don’t vote Mist.
Vote me

too late, I lockvoted Whysper.

why do i have to feel so bad about this

And yes, I will be voting myself if I end up being nominated.

guys, please don’t split votes here.

this fucking role is so stupid
i was not fucking informed that this shit would happen if i used my revival

“everything comes at a price”