Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

should’ve 14 swapped at the end there smh

As much as I didn’t like you this match, I guess you didn’t betray me or any crap so I mean you want the 50 wind tokens?

hell yeah


You can take them I guess

ok so now we must all agree that if anyone takes intensify’s tokens then they will be voted out next chapter because they are mine now

Can’t I just give you them right now?

eat the tokens intensify

go out with a bang

Oh crap gamer play is to eat one token so you can only 49 wind tokens

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This is a very good idea thank you marshal

i don’t think so because we’re in the tube things

Oh you don’t think I have them on me don’t ya

throw the tokens into the sky and let them be carried away by the breeze

they are wind tokens after all

let them go to the wind

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god damn it i ran out of likes

: |

You’re not getting them

I have no regrets


So should I confess to my crime of planting a bomb at Central Beach as well

no i want to take credit for that

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Hmm so Arc wants my 50 Wind tokens.

Does anyone want the tokens I stole from Zone

do i still get them if you’re alive after the chapter