Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

are you a coward
do you not want the hot evil lady mm to step on you
are you a fuckin coward??

also, if we ignore this entire survivor thing for a second, let’s not forget that marl is strictly the optimal kill mechanically

he has done little to no solving
his abilities are even more useless than whysper’s
he is confirmed not mm so we don’t have to worry about solving him socially

I may or may not have rolled repeatedly for comedic affect

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Kalm doen

i have the right to be emotional
in every kind of emotion

I’m weighing the benefits / drawbacks of “PKR raises hell over marl dying” vs. “PKR and co gain majority and yeetus us”

PKR can’t do anything otherwise ici will unplug his life support

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on your corpse maybe

why am i “and co”
if you’re gonna talk about it in that way at least let it be “trochi and co”


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mist i’m completely okay with this


I like this way of thinking and it’s totally not because I am salty by being betrayed after I finally put my trust in someone

Arc, do you want 50 App tokens


have fun then

And you can have the 20 Zone tokens, but Zone’s been pretty neutral to me so maybe or maybe not idk

i absolutely will i just lockvoted marshal
love me hot evil lady
please i’m begging you

[Message removed by the moderators]

who’s with me

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unless you literally all have guaranteed kp then i see no reason not to follow me here

and i don’t think many of you do after the misty fiasco