Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

pretty sure PKR locked on themself

Ahh okay, I’ll change that then. I was looking at the earlier poll.


Votee Votes Count
Marl Whysper, Mistyx, Intensify 3
Whysper Trochilidae 1
Not Voting Zone_Q11, Apprentice, Marshal, Geyde, ArcticXI, Icibalus, Blizer, WindwardAway, Marl 9

let me make the rules


Votee Votes Count
Marl Whysper, Mistyx, Intensify, ArcticXI 4
Whysper Trochilidae, Marl 2
Not Voting Zone_Q11, Apprentice, Marshal, Geyde, Icibalus, Blizer, WindwardAway 7

Bold Yellow = Locked
Italics = Likely Vote

Okay, thank god

I don’t mind getting voted out next game phase but i want one more chapter to use my leftover ults

Voting me out is going to screw us out of information

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i don’t care who i vote between misty and whysper this chapter

And nobody sees this as some sort of evil move to CFD off the intended PoE onto PKR and Marl?

I’m too lazy to do more than skim the posts I missed so meh.

Also yeah I kind of told Marl stuff I was solving with so I’d kind of like him not to be voted out quite yet.

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i’d rather me be on the table than you tbh

if i get voted out it sucks
my final wish if i die this chapter is to keep windward alive until the endgame

Well, I’m not in the PoE in the first place.

i’m also not in the PoE

I meant in the PoE of 6, not the 2 we supposedly narrowed it down to.

I see this as a fairly evil move to get people to vote Marl out tbh. Reason why is purely the CFD of votes onto him.Id much rather vote Whysper,but by doing so I risk splitting the votes as it currently stands if they’re nearly tied,and the sacrifice and mastermind will be able to control the outcome.

I think it’s particularly notable that the CFD is specifically off Whysper, as it doesn’t look like Mist has any votes on her at all.

the voting pool you mean
that’s what i’m saying, i’m glad i got the rand and you didn’t so people cant scummily get you out early

And like, I understand the mechanical reasons for voting out Marl, and if I absolutely have to vote him to avoid a tie,I will, but I don’t like how this happened.

Yeah the voting pool. There were a lot of tied votes this time and that’s why I said I didn’t want the votes to tie during the first phase.

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Because I knew there was a possibility of a CFD, and I’m not sure right now who’s leading it besides Arctic.

Anyway I publicly state my intent to vote Whysper, but I won’t lock it yet.

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PKR and Trochi, you split your votes but locked them??
Don’t you see this is all part of the plan to break our group up? :confused: if we had all voted together on a single candidate we’d probably have been able to control the outcome.