Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

literally everyone except for the mastermind is on the same team, until sacrifice gets handed out.


i know none of you explicitly want to vote me out but when it comes chapter 4 with all of yoy against whoever, it’s obvious who you will vote out

this is a survival game

we aren’t on a team

dude your power is actually useful
dont be so paranoid
i just need one chapter to get us some more info and then my power is basically useless so i can die

yes and i provide nothing to the table once the info i can gain is out there

it’s not going to be you. I’m pretty sure at this rate, if anything, you’re going to get yourself killed before the voting phase because you’re actually solving and doing things. there’s literally no reason to vote you out in any chapter and I’d rather keep you around till endgame.

one more chapter is all you need to seize power and i will not allow this

get in the box marluxion

i refuse to die before i can be useful

what the fuck lol
if town seizes power, good for town
why the hell would we want someone who is potentially MM to seize the power? it’s better if we keep the power publicly in the hands of people who are confirmed not MM.

it’s better if we aren’t being led by one group

which we will be if i don’t trim yours

split groups = split votes which is even worse as we get closer to endgame

There’s literally another group and don’t try and act like there isn’t.
You wouldn’t be advocating so hard for killing Marl otherwise.

Unless you’re just an openwolf

remember Arctic openwolfed as non-sac last chapter so never mind that part

wind you aren’t able to see everyone else’s perspective and you can only see so far as trying to not vote out sacrifice and keymaster

which is great for you but some of us aren’t in your group and aren’t able to get vetoed every chapter

that group has 3 people
yours has 4/5

fine, I’ll do it this way.

is there anyone in our group specifically who wants to vote out Arctic before endgame?

how does this do anything useful when i still know you are going to vote me out before each other because you have to

this isn’t big brother