Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

wanna trade cards intensify

it would be an incredibly gamer move if you could do that

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We’d both still have commoner no point

you could do it for the lolz and the bamboozle

Allow me to explain why you should vote Marl

My dad is Microsoft itself, if you do not vote Marl, they will do things


valid reason

To be fair

That same argument applied to Jane last round


and unless you think mist/blizer is literally just MM (although tbh i really want to) we can’t discount the possibility of MM having voting manipulation

when will you all realise that voting the person who l i t e r a l l y cannot be sacrifice by any means is the optimal way to win this game, not by playing survivor

combined with the fact that it’s the same person who is mechanically useless and confirmed non-MM so we don’t have to solve them socially

this is a free trial and we stand no chance of losing if we do this

idk, because that’s boring and spicy games are fun?

if you don’t think i have been playing spicily then i am deeply insulted

sure it isn’t just because you need to make sure this person survives order to control the game?

you are

not really, I operate according to my wincon

personally, I think this trial has been spicy enough already

If only the same could be said for everyone else

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yes, and you’re right
you have the highest chance of winning if marl isn’t voted out because then your group controls the game and you never get voted out

i’m playing to my wincon and stopping this from happening, and so should everyone else not in that group

legit, they way people are playing this game has been bad

and as a result, has created toxicity

I Know what i must do now