Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

plot twist: I’m just pocketing PKR as retribution

If anyone should be vengeful against me, it should be Light tbh, but he’s dead

honestly Light should be vengeful against me for misyeeting him in LyLo

App give me your tokens after this trial

I want ukt

Oh yeah I have App’s tokens I totally forgot about that

what if he spent all the tokens on recharging his own ult lol

if I get enough to get you to 1k sure

wanna check out what’s new in shop too

I can’t Wazza banned me from it

oh RIP

Woah guys we’ve reached 10K posts

uh oh

We’ve gained tree immunity

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I mean

Doesn’t shock me

It’s a very powerful ult app

Reminds me of the forums when FK hyper posted

Apperently after reaching 10K forums have decided to break on me

The bookmark thing is broken and it says I haven’t read past the 16th post, and it looks wierd

oh that keeps happening to me
it suddenly deletes all the posts between like the third post in the thread and the last three posts in the thread and that’s how I miss large chunks of posts when catching up.

I bet this is one of MM’s ability isn’t it

MM has mental blur

bye bye post history