Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

yeah isn’t it usually that you yeet the scummiest people so that your LyLo only has like one scummy person in it?
why the fuck do we want to vote out all the non-scummy people here

arctic knows he is wrong you can tell from that last post but he will die before he admits it

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we are going to get more MM clears in chapter 3 and chapter 4
why not vote out a mechanically useless one

the whole point of this game is, as Ici said, that we make and break alliances. it’s not every man for himself unless we choose to play that way, and that’s fine. but just because we form an alliance doesn’t mean it will last. I explicitly formed alliances “for this chapter” FYI.

because marl isn’t mechanically useless and he is, critically, a gamer

there is something about the weather info arctic doesn’t want us to know
Extremely fucking sus

I can see arctic’s logic in that it’s “we want to keep harder to solve slots alive to get more time to solve them”

I’d prefer if, even if you think his logic is flawed, to at least not treat him like an idiot

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yes i’m the mastermind and the weather will expose me so i need you to die

I dont think Arctic has played YTTD so that’s also a thing

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I’m saying that marl isn’t mechanically useless.


Marl if you make it snow, Arctic will freeze to death

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the thing is that i wouldn’t describe any of the slots on the stand as “hard to solve”

i can’t make it snow sadly

I know, that’s why it was a joke lol

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i have never played YTTD, this is like, my first big true misc game on the site

i usually dont have time for these games

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there’s something going on with marl’s weather mechanics that i can’t identify
but there’s more to them than just weather

you’re doin’ great sweety keep it up

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same for me
I’m just piggybacking off lore I’ve heard from other people and rolling with it

I believe if its raining its easier to kill people

something i believe marl said earlier

  • Everything points towards Marl’s weather having a lore impact
  • PKR is the same exact number as Marl. Ici isn’t going to banish PKR, she has no reason to unless PKR rands sacrif
  • And, yes, I’d consider marl an ally of sorts.

I’m not going to vote marl. I’m voting PKR or whysper. It’s your choice more or less on where it goes