Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

and I think arc said he’s voting PKR

I said I wouldn’t kill you so oops
I guess you’re off the hook
anyone else, I’ll try to kill

i don’t believe you but thanks

i can pull a gamer move and kill myself

I mean stat boosts are nice when you need them

guessing some people didn’t actually need stat boosts which is reeeee

this is a complicated formula

i still think this isn’t good enough to make up for the whole soulbind being thrusted upon me without warning but whatever

i put my vote on PKR now

not locked though

I don’t think I could kill you before someone else did, anyway. I’m too passive.

@Intensify I know you have no reason to listen to me at this point.
But I genuinely was going to provide you protect via my plan and try to look like the sacrifice on your behalf.

I wanted to help you win when we were coming into this main game…
Please, help me here.

You guys really shouldn’t vote Whysper, since she’s legit sacrifice

uhh i have an important question

how many hours do we have left?

the keymaster could literally confirm whether this is true or not

so all these people claiming they want to/will kill each other?
…do all of y’all have KP?

Blizer - Won’t vote PKR. between me and whysper
Marshal - won’t vote me, between PKR and whypser
Ici - Locked on Whysper
Zone and Trochi - Loched on Whypser
PKR - locked on PKR
Arctic - only between me and PKR
Whysper - only between me and PKR

we have like 4 hours and a half left

if we all do, we done fucked up by yeeting people who didn’t have KP

my math is saying we vote pkr

Im voting PKR atm

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my math is cemented into voting pkr