Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

er I take that back cause PKR locked himself

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because everyone on marl is a smart player


and then didn’t want to die so uh

I’m sure Wazza will make another whenever he’s awake

So uhh I guess this is technically the second best ending I could’ve wished for… neat

intensify if you didn’t lockvote marl then vote pkr


Wazza make a new shop items that needs 1K tokens in order to create a second thread

watch the entire game crash until we can never actually reach the shop

do i need to say it again arctic


but really can we like not lockvote
it does not help in any way

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hey guys do you want to know something fucked up

oh god what now-

Targon’s Peak?

you can only access the full text editor on tumblr dot com if you zoom in 200%

we dont actually have to lock votes for our votes to count, right? because I haven’t been locking votes at all lmao.

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so that’s why locking votes is pointless

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ok yeah
that’s what I thought

reeeeeeeeeee i was dumb ok i admit it

I lockvoted mist the first round because I was high on adrenaline but I’ve learned from my mistakes