Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Intensify should vote Marshal because why tf not

I vote Marshal
MM vote Marshal

let’s goooooooooooooo

Marshal votes Marshal


guys i really locked marshal

ok I’m locking vote because I am impatient and it seems we have at the very least talked everything through

anyone have a problem with that?

it was very obviously DST because I play it lol

if it’s not on marshal i have a problem

same MM should definitely vote Marshal glgl

i dont have a problem with it but i dont think it matters because if wazza were here we’d have a new thread

We should all play DST after this


Webber is canonically best boy and best girl in the game, every other character is inferior to Webber.

@Wazza, can I be Intensify’s executioner in case he really is the Sacrifice?

hard agree

What did I ever do to you

Steal my tokens.

Hey I gave you premiere rights to my token though after I die

he do be a webby boy

I’m tempted to give you primary rights to my tokens…