Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

“The Keymaster was @Marshal.”
“The Sage was @Whysper.”
“The Sacrifice was @Intensify.”


One Final Thing…Allow us to learn the Secret of the Trades:

The first trade occured after some heavy thinking from PokemonKidRyan, they debated what they should trade for and wondered what would be worth it to get for the Second Game, they slipped away from the Game Room, thinking to themself about their upcoming plan and what they would do to stay alive. They put in 50 Tokens and moments later they called “ArcticXI”, commencing a trade with him. The first trade traded his Commoner for Arctic’s Commoner. May be revealed: Little did PKR know, that a person was watching him…TrustworthyLiberal.

The next trade occured while TrustworthyLiberal, Marluxion and PokemonKidRyan were discussing how to save Trochilidae’s life as to them, they all believed she had the Sacrifice when in reality that was a ploy she had set to trick everybody. What she had actually done was take the recently deceased Jane’s card, no one had realised that Trochilidae was actually holding their card to their tablet. While discussing, PokemonKidRyan decided to slip away, planning on sacrificing his own life and refusing to allow Marluxion to sacrifice their own. They inserted 50 more tokens and traded for Trochilidae’s card. Moments later, he got what he didn’t expect. A Commoner card.

…But what happened next was unexpected for everybody. PokemonKidRyan returned to the Central Beach and pretended that he now had the Sacrifice card! Which lead to more confusion by the moment that Trochilidae woke up and continued to claim they had the Sacrifice card…But someone knew who was the liar from the start…That someone was Whysper, who simply allowed them to do their plan. PokemonKidRyan and Marluxion eventually got involved after realising the lie from Trochilidae and the three made a terrifying plan to survive the Main Game. The first part of the plan was to claim Sacrifice, Keymaster and Sage respectively during the first phase and then Keymaster, Sage and Commoner during the next. Which caught the real attention of the Sacrifice, WindwardAway.

WindwardAway confessed they were the Sacrifice, believing there was two of the card in play for some reason. But as the Main Game was getting ready to begin, they made their plan, they put in their tokens and…The Third Trade was complete. They put in the tokens of the player they handed the Sacrifice card to for their CommonerIntensify. Finally, when the entire group were together. [REDACTED] slipped away with a small plan, they traded their Commoner card with Apprentice’s Commoner card, to try and throw a wrench in the works for PokemonKidRyan’s entire plan.

This is the truth behind your failed plan isn’t it, @PokemonKidRyan, the Ultimate Queen?


“I have one question…What is it with you all and heroics? You aren’t going to survive, you aren’t going to win. The most you do is disappoint those around you by sacrificing yourself and proving you’re the weakest amongst the group.”

You may all speak.


“My plan failed, but in the end I saved those who I hold dear. As a Queen, devoting my life to my subjects… it is all completed as it should be.”

pog champ pog champ

pkr dies but again


why is arctic’s name the only name redacted

that’s fishy

MM pog

cuz arctic is the mm obvious lee

oh hehe nice

Wow Whysper.

I can’t believe you said nothing~

i self vote and ate

unga bunga

i think it’s because i said i traded with apprentice but i claimed keymaster which technically isn’t claiming what’s written there

but yeah i’m not sure why thats redacted… mod error perhaps

Default Dance :crab: :crab: :crab:

PKR is dead pogslide