Your Turn To Die Misc - (12/20) - Chapter 2 END (THREAD 1)

Uhhh I believe the Sacrifice should not be executed first


“I’m sorry Intensify, but…You don’t have a say in the matter.”

“After all, wasted space doesn’t ever have a say in the matter.”

can we just keep intensify in a little prison somewhere we don’t need to kill him

no u.

I’m issueing my own death first by choking on tokens

“wasted space”
that’s cold

I’ve decided I hate myself enough to listen to Feels like Summer

i really hope something gets changed with the trading mechanic this chapter
like some limit or something

otherwise everyone is just gonna do a last second trade


Peace out I guess.
I’ll just relax first and chill with everyone.

Love yall, sorry about things.
And as I said before, good luck in the coming chapters.
(Also see you soon for life #3)

The first thing I’m gonna do in the graveyard is vanity search myself get ready

I’m pretty sure it will change
doubt the host lets us use the same tactic twice in a row
that’s also boring

no you should be T-posing in the graveyard

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Can trading be decided by a game of rock papers scissors?

make intensify’s statue t-pose 2021

just do the emote combo to escape the graveyard


Gamer reference

funnily enough I don’t think this is a bad idea at all

I can’t like this post reeeeee

i liked it for you

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thank you

i’d like to think that spec chat is each individually rooting for someone although some probably more than others