Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

a person who is not the Mastermind is by definition helpful in solving the Mastermind


arctic, i’m going to be alive at endgame, given that i am immortal
so i don’t need to have 5 big brain solvers alive
i need 5 reasonably smart confirmed not MMs to help me out the Mastermind

i’m not saying that i’ll go nuts if you kill trochi, I’m simply explaining why I think killing them is a bad idea

ok but you see your perspective is flawed in that you have a different wincon to the rest of us

we have to worry about dying, and so trochi isn’t really much of a risk for you but is for us

trochi has proven to be unpredictable and will most likely kill people, which is -EV for everyone for obvious reasons, and -EV for you because that means there’s a greater chance of the keymaster or sacrifice being voted out

combined with the fact that i really don’t think trochi is going to help you solve anything

sigh true, but I’d rather kill a PoE player, a prospect that is 100% available.

Who is that in your PoE pool

i don’t want to disclose that. you’ll see why eventually.


Where is this discussion even going?

clearly it’s not

Attention to everyone: I might not be here for the start of the next main phase, ok thx.

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So… nowhere?

is it just me, or is like everyone losing WiM rn

cause i feel like people are rn

I can only hope that it’s only you.

i can say i am to be honest

because i didn’t really want to play survivor


weve been playing this for like over two weeks, so yeah losing WiM was bound to happen

also yeah, i agree this became survivor and it just has killed some WiM for me

i like the idea of this game and i don’t think the point of it was to be survivor, since else why would power roles exist

but unfortunately that’s basically what it’s become when there’s such a little chance of actually voting the sacrifice or keymaster

also last second trades

kind of also dont help imo aswell
