Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

but yeah if murderer gets perks and everyone else gets punishment for murderer escaping, I don’t think alliances are a thing

now that there’s no designated murderer specifically, though, are the rules still the same?

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True True

but still, arctic aint exactly wrong

as long as they don’t lose the game people will still do it

then they get murdered next c:

@Icibalus are you still having fun right now / do you think that you can still have fun?

what kind of question is that

of course i still can, now that i’m not locked in a position that’s literally worse than Sacrifice for my chances of winning

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DR doesn’t work if people know for sure that they can’t murder, because that way everyone will act in the strictly best way to stop murder rather than the strictly best way to not get murdered but still be in a position where they could.

Good. Then I really won’t have to suicide.
…now I just gotta ask myself: “What should I do now?”

murder, of course

Yeah, but who…?

wind really choosing chaos today

idk, pick whomever you think is the mastermind tbh
makes sense to murder them

yeah it’s time to spice things up lol

i’m still pissed off about my ability having literally zero indication that it did the whole soulbind thing but
i’ll can it for postgame since it doesn’t affect me any more

Uh… How do I do that when I don’t pay to anyone close enough to suspect them? Heck, I don’t even think I care about who the MM is. There is literally zero motive for me to kill them, especially when their death means the end of this game, whether it be delayed or sudden.



deck intro time

and today
i’m going to accidentally play a viable deck

we’re going to cause hysteria