Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

look under my bed post trial

i didn’t even know how trading worked until this chapter’s trial
i thought it had to be consensual

that’s the thing
you know you can lie about it as sacrifice because you don’t have to worry about ‘post trial’

why are you trying to argue that you aren’t the sac tho


because i want to solve the mastermind
i’ve said my motives already
just iso me and look at my posts from this trial

i have no mechanical use and arctic does
it’d be a waste of wazza’s writing not to have zone regain his memory and i care about that more than lolsurvivoring

Marl is the sacrifice, because he deliberately lied about the lore on me and zone in an attempt to stop us from getting voted by saying we would be useful to solving the game, and thus leaving himself as the only other person to get voted

it’s incredibly obvious if you think about it
i’m not the ultimate faith healer
whysper knows this as she took my passive, and apprentice also knows this because i was immune to the Plague in Chapter 2

he shows no worry about being read as MM for lying about this after the trial, which means he is the sacrifice

that’s right
i’m the Ultimate Plaguedoctor


then wazza has pranked us with your alias

but you looser if you die sir

arctic caught me :pensive: i’m the sac
vote arctic

you’re welcome gamers

so now there are three options

  1. be respectable human beings and don’t vote me because i solved this trial
  2. kill marshal because his play was incredibly low effort and ungamer
  3. kill zone because ???
  4. kill me lol

wait I know you grabbed the plague from Zone

so are you just immune when you want to or what?

(ftr he was immune to me giving it to him)

Option 4: Vote the confirmed non-sac in arctic

no fuck you
i solved this trial
i deserve this

get yoted

oh arctic is actually probably confirmed not MM from lore


my worldview shattered


isn’t Marshal nearly modconfirmed sac

isn’t this the opposite of what we want to do