Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

mastermind is locked in whysper/misty

whysper told me she was voting zone in whispers
misty said she was voting zone publicly

no way both of their votes were changed

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You all look at Trochilidae who for some reason now has 2 Comically Large Knives sticking out of their pockets.


Oh lmao

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15th century germany intensifies

The world glitches once more before you all begin screaming in pain.

How do they even fit in their pockets

That’s not even Trochis final form

“Oh yeah! I think it’s time for your new talents!”

is this because i finally outted myself

“Here you go~. Make sure not to go telling anyone now!”

I didn’t even get to ult smh

ngl i’m kinda sad because i really enjoyed my fakeclaim of faith healer

See u got to do it asap when he says new phase. Got to be big brain

does my new talent allow me to understand what the hell host powers are or

Well it’s kinda too late to use it anyway lol

what exactly did marl tell you in whispers to get you to vote him
did you not think anything was off about that

I totes forgot Marshal was my neighbor

We should talk more

Who, me?
Yeah I did think something was slightly off so I kept my vote on you for at least half the phase and didn’t switch to Marl when I told him I would
Kind of like how I didn’t vote him in phase 1

But when I thought Marshal looked more like the sac I moved my vote onto Marl because I didn’t want to vote you out, and I thought Zone was being slightly sketchier
I was wrong,Zone was just afk lok

yes but
what did he say