Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

so yeah

he lied to you

World glitches are normal, but did ya really have to glitch my role too!? :sob:

I don’t care about Spec Chat. The event alone already robbed me of my Corrupt Passive and my Judge Role…

There is only one thing left to do.

zone why do you hate me

Because my new role is related to you.

–oh, wait. You are not Trochi.

I hate you because… I forgot why.
All I remember is “kill Mist”.

Oh, now I remember. I wanted to kill you literally because I can’t remember you.


whysper is yet to make an appearance

Classic Whysper.
–the thing is though, I can remember even Whysper, but not Mist.

i’m pretty sure this is just my superpower

Saddest part about this meme and Marl’s death is the fact that I still don’t know anything. I still only have one name: Hanji.

Your superpower is to be forgotten? That power is literally the one thing that sucks the most!

that’s correct yes

Sorry, who were you again?
I can’t seem to remember you…


anyway spec chat think they are real comedians

but i probably got what i deserve anyway

Does Spec Chat decide our future punishment or our current new roles?

i thought our current roles were our punishment

@Zone_Q11 what did i do to you