Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

people confirmed not MM:


people socially unlikely to be MM:

geyde - encouraging everyone to vote outside of light/jane and listening to me
apprentice - stoppped everyone voting jane, but at the same time this might not be AI since he didn’t think jane was the sacrifice, and MM clearly doesn’t know who the sacrifice is otherwise i wouldn’t have been voted in CH1 phase 2

probably MM:

misty/blizer for voting reasons because one of them lied about their vote on jane in CH1 and i’m confident at this point MM’s voting manipulation ability, if they have one, is not infinite use since they didn’t use it in CH2, and using it in CH1 on an ‘outted sacrifice’ makes no sense if it’s limited use

icibalus - used their ultimate in the worst possible way for participant and so the best possible way for the mastermind, before we had any info about who might be good to revive
also voting outted sacrifice because ???

at this point i’m pretty sure the mastermind is just playing badly and any TWTBAW argument is not valid

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i’m game to yolo it out on the misty blizer thunderdome
misty has felt kinda outed for a bit

Could you explain this voting manipulation? I keep hearing it mentioned, but I find it hard to believe that voting manipulation done chapter 1 and easily discovered by everyone claiming their votes could be used to pinpoint the MM. Also, how would they know to vote Jane? You were just mentioning that the MM clearly doesn’t know the Sacrifice when you were discussing Apprentice.

basically jane had 3 votes, and as the sacrifice she would have had the passive +1 vote on her, which means out of the 3 people claiming to have voted her, misty blizer and amelia, at least one of them is lying

at least one because of the passive +1, but if she voted herself then that means two are lying which i find extremely unlikely but it’s possible

the other alternative is that the mastermind has some sort of voting manipulation ability and changed one of misty/blizer’s votes to me, which would allow the MM to put another vote on who they thought was the sacrifice while at the same time gaining credit by having their vote elsewhere


but as i said, mastermind does not have infinite uses of this ability if it exists, since they did not use it last chapter

and if it’s not infinite use, then why waste a use in chapter 1 when i was never going to get voted out?

which is why i think misty/blizer is just MM
and that’s a bit of a yikes

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I wouldn’t clear Geyde for this. Again, aren’t we saying the MM doesn’t know the Sacrifice? Besides, I’ve seen from the HPU game that Geyde can be very tricky socially. Even if he knew the Sacrifice, he could see that helping to not vote them would be beneficial in the long run.

yes but by votes we knew the sacrifice had to be in me/light/jane

he encouraged everyone to vote outside of light/jane
if he was the mastermind he could have just allowed everyone to kill light/jane because that definitely would have happened if he didn’t step in

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i mean yes
but i’m still going under the assumption that the MM is probably going to take a free sacrifice trial if they can

The limited use part isn’t an issue. It’s the fact that voting manipulation is easily detected and worked out here by vote claiming. Also, I’m still not clear if you are thinking the MM knows the Sacrifice or not.

the mm does not know who the sacrifice is otherwise they wouldn’t have voted me in chapter 1

I agree that most MM would. But for certain people like Geyde, I could see where they would make a different play.

Okay I understand this part better

at this point this game is now basically just survivor
and then any lore can indicate which out of mist/blizer is MM
(but it’s probably just mist)

Was that phase 1 of the Main Game? If so, that would indicate the MM knows the Sacrifice. Otherwise, if this was phase 2, there’s no point in Jane not voting themselves.

it was phase and 1 it literally indicates the opposite of that

the MM voted me because they thought i was the sacrifice but just said they were voting jane

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jane actually being the sacrifice had nothing to do with why the MM (if we’re assuming mist/blizer) voted them

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Hmmmm okay, I think I might understand a bit better. I may need to go back and examine the votes myself to get a clearer picture. I still find it surprising if this can be solved so easily due to voting manipulation. Though it’s possible the MM chose the wrong time to use it. Probably better to wait for the 3rd possible Sacrifice kill instead of so soon.

if it were a limited use ability, the only plausible excuse for using it there would be to frame someone as MM by changing their vote, however this would require that they actually knew jane was the sacrifice and the person’s vote they were changing was voting jane

so uh
basically there just wasn’t vote manipulation

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all of your logic on why vote manipulation wasn’t a thing applies to someone lying about their vote

other than it being a one time thing but like

doing it more than one is actively suicidal, even moreso than doing it in the first place

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i have no idea what this post means