Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

we already know amelia was a traitor, yes

i know

but we know from the mastermind card pieces that the mastermind’s true ultimate is mastermind

and if the MM only has two cards, they can’t have the ultimate mastermind card, the ultimate coder card, and their fakeclaim card


my case is this
i have been the most gamer (ehh trochi has too but he relied on mechanics)
i have solved the most
i have tried the most
i am the least likely to be mastermind

i want to vote datbird because not only do i think he’s more likely to be MM, but i have paranoia that maria is lying and then whysper is sac or something

yeah i’ve never really thought coder or inventor were mastermind
coder is probably jane’s real talent, if not datbird if he isn’t MM

also since misty said she voted me, i’m guessing this means blizer voted me which is pretty weirdchamp since i stopped him getting voted?

well the thing is

the coder was dying in the flashback that me and marshal saw

which doesn’t line up

things already don’t line up
the coder is supposed to be female, but according to your information the coder is marshal’s dad?


but we already established that was because ici’s information was bad

why was ici’s information bad and yours in’t
the information we got from the blacksmith was the same as the information ici got

Yeah, and the inventor should’ve been male but Amelia was female
And it was listed as not the real talent so idk

because we established multiple times that there was contradicting evidence from separate sources?

unless there are two ultimate inventors/coders

@Arctic walk me through dat mm

I think Amelia was an impostor tbh

Arctic, go ahead and tell Trochi if you want
Otherwise I saved the posts I wrote on the slot so I can paste them

I am Tanimoto Tsutomu (M) the former ultimate retailer. I had 2 abilities when I started the game. One that would allow me to grab the sac card at any point from anywhere or anyone. If I died by sac I won. But if I didnt in chapter 1 I unlocked my ultimates. My passive was also locked presumably cause tokens werent in chapter 1 from my knowledge. So chapter 2 I received my ultimates, my ability and my passive finally unlocked being that I started with 50 spare me tokens. My one ultimate was a cellphone that would allow me to trade anytime, anywhere for free. I never got to use it and Geyde didnt either. The other was I could find any card I wanted during the card finding phase. Again neither me or Geyde used it as I was to late. And I cant explain Geyde. My ability was I could give people items that they sucked at and would be informed when they used em. Hence the second trochi knife.i am now because of the stupid sadistic stuff the ultimate blackmailer. Saying this loses me my passive that gave me plus 2 in every stat. The other thing I have with this card. Is that if I’m in the same room as somebody I can remove their ability to trade or use abilities for 12 hours. I used this once on Mist to take her abilities away and once on Zone after I traded him to stop him from trading. Dooming him with the card. I dont have much more I can explain cause the reasons yall think I’m mm is cause of Geyde. I cant explain everything he did. I’m not him. I have been nothing but truthful and trying to solve this trial as I can. I proved many people were lying. I have been nothing but trying to help the people that helped Geyde. As they al reached out to me at game start. App, Marshal, and Troch. That is all I can do to clear my slot. If yall kill me fine. Just like please do not think I’m mm. You will lose and hey all I’m trying to do at this point is help yall. As yall dont care bout me


did you really need to clarify this
now i might really sound like i’m pulling at straws but why would a Participant feel the need to say this

Hey man it was an alt wincon my card seemed to based around. I’m just trying my best to explain

“Tut tut tut. How can an Ultimate Blackmailer blackmail someone if everyone knows it’s just a ploy!”

See just lost my passive

Oh, so those were spare me tokens.
(irrelevant, just noticed now)

The mm read on your slot wasn’t just because of how Geyde was playing, although I guess that was part of did tell us your abilities pretty soon after we asked you to,though, so it’s been a better look.

He said if he died by sac, not if he got voted as sac. Meaning he would’ve won by holding the card and not getting voted out. It’s an alt wincon as he said,but obviously it was only valid during the chapter where we couldn’t trade…

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