Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Also my brother says it to me like constantly for all the stuff I put off

i’ve explained why it kind of does
for starters if i die, then your solving is going to take a massive blow

What’s ur wincon for the class. Cause I’m prob the only one who doesnt know

My only goal is to see the Mastermind defeated. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well hope u do that

ici the only difference between you and everyone else is that you can’t die in exploration

no no no
the other difference is that i don’t have to be alive in order to win
presumably because in the real world i’m already dead

I just read through all that and I’m not sure it was worth reading through tbh

it really wasn’t
everyone that’s actually been playing the game is aware of the situation

U know what. I have very harsh words. But I will refrain. Cause I’m on the verge of tears

oh lord there it is

Dat, don’t worry, I have my own thoughts and it isn’t like I haven’t been trying. I’ve been afk most of this chapter which is annoying, and when I looked for people there weren’t any in the rooms I checked lol.
I had a plan to out the mastermind with Marl,and he took down one of our suspects when he won as sacrifice, so that’s why App got yeeted.
You, Arctic and Whysper are all in my PoE, but Arctic is the least sus of the three of you at the moment and I won’t be voting him out in this particular trial.

my other excuse for not trying yet is i’m currently hosting DR5


That’s excusable tbh

I’m not asking u to vote out arctic. Either me or him guarantees not everyone losing. I just am very emotional after some of the last things that say I havent been playing the game when I have put a lot of my heart and soul in this and it feels great to say it amounted to nothing.

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Anyway I’m still planning to vote Whysper. We can’t socially read her for mm equity if she’s mostly afk and also she has a clown costume lmao so I don’t see a problem in voting her out.

that’s why we don’t kill her
to see if she gets sac card

We can just clear someone else, though
You haven’t randed sac
Trochi hasn’t randed sac
Dat also hasn’t randed sac
So why specifically would we need to keep Whysper?

because there is literally no other method to deduce if she’s the MM
we try to solve datbird socially

Go for it then