Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Ask me anything

i uh
i meant ‘tried’

We’re literally doing that now
Trying to solve Dat socially, I mean
And socially he looks less MM-y than I originally thought, but eh

U havent. U basically said I’m mm and havent even talked to me. It feels like mistymind. Like have a convo

there’s already mechanics pointing away from whysper being MM zzz

also we can solve dat socially more if he survives

didn’t ici just say something about datbird being in his wolf meta

i uh haven’t really been trying all that much cause

  1. work
  2. class
  3. lol i can’t die anyway

Yes but he can’t openwolf if he’s dead, bruh

Read August invitational. She can try to read me but shes wrong a lot

I specced that game lol

when we have to choose between killing 2 people and they are both suspicious
why kill the one who has given us nothing to solve socially instead of the one who we have something to go off once they’re dead

Because the one who gave us nothing socially will continue to give us nothing socially
It would be the equivalent of leaving Gorta alive for the purpose of randing sac which is dumb

plus i think there are social reasons to think whysper isn’t MM, anyway
she used her ability on me and her response when i questioned her about it seemed very towny

there’s always a chance? she isn’t going to be 100% afk

Lunar New Year is next Friday so she’ll definitely be gone till sometime on the weekend

she won’t be 100% afk or she’ll be replaced out

Like she sometimes has it down pat. But she has been wrong on me as both allignments. It’s like shes way wrong here and me saying it doesnt change anything cause oh mm would say that too. Cause a lot of shit people do is NAI and everyone tries to slap everything with town this and scum that. When a lot of it I do naturally. Ici hasnt brought up my wim or like if the wallpost was hedgy. Just a wallpost. That’s the most basic ass read there is. Dat dies wallpost= scum. I have hear it hundreds of times. I dont care I like writing my whole thoughts out.

I’ve been doing afk streaks as long as 15 hours before submitting an action to move to another room and afk there instead, and I haven’t gotten replaced out lol

well that’s only 15 hours
not like 3 days

Yeah but I feel bad because I afk’d half of chapter 2, then I afk’d half of chapter 3, and I afk’d pretty much the entirety of chapter 4