Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

i have it
what if everything after marshal’s death has just been a prank to trick marshal into thinking he’s dead
and the game is still in exploration phase
wake up sheeple


a very effective trick
cause it tricked us too

that would be hilarious

wake up liberal
wake up sleepyhead
i made you breakfast
i love you

i see what you did there dat

i’m a yttd truther

Please be quiet momentarily.


“Commencing all executions shortly…But first. The secret of the trades.”

The first trade occured after a bunch of drama happened and Mistyx and Marshal went missing. Icibalus was spiteful towards what Zone_Q11 had done and decided they had enough. They tricked DatBird into giving them a challenger star. Upon receiving the Challenger Star, our Sacrifice, Icibalus traded their own card with Zone_Q11, receiving a Commoner card in the process. Upon the first trade happening, the gimmick of the Chapter had begun. Maria switched around four other player cards between one another, all guaranteed to be Commoner’s. Those four players ended up being Icibalus, WindwardAway, ArcticXI and the currently missing Mistyx.

The next three trades ended up with a back and forth between the starting Keymaster and our new Sacrifice. Zone_Q11 traded with DatBird back and forth, the first one happened in the Challenger Room while they were both talking, with a smirk, DatBird returned it, waving his finger at Zone as he left with a laugh. Moments later after DatBird left, Zone_Q11 traded once more with DatBird, leaving DatBird in horror.

The next trade happened after Trochilidae woke up in a rage, they demanded multiple challenger stars from people and eventually received what they wanted. They stormed to the Challenge Room and traded with Zone_Q11, switching their Sage card for Zone_Q11’s new Keymaster card. Moments after that happened, ArcticXI witnessed it and spoiled the entire plan. DatBird snuck in as fast as he could, but failed miserably not to be seen, he swapped his card with Zone_Q11’s card, now becoming the Sage. He walked up to Zone_Q11 and with closed eyes and a sigh. He prevented his abiity to trade it away.

But that wasn’t the end, as fast as they could, Blizer using a Ring-Up Box added the ninth trade, in which it was a Commoner for Commoner by trading with ArcticXI…who had a trade of his own in mind. To gain the Keymaster card, ArcticXI traded with DatBird, and didn’t expect to instead receive the Sage card!

The final two trades were apart of the gimmick. Zone_Q11 was murdered and consequently since she had to take part to give the vote to Mistyx, Maria gave the Sacrifice card to herself instead of randomising it. Breaking a clear rule in the code. Afterwards, when the main game had ended, she traded her Sacrifice card with DatBird’s Commoner card. And that’s how we ended up here…

You may all speak while I prepare all your executions.

it was mistymind? lmfao

oh wiat nvm i just read the last part


how the fuck did Maria coordinate 4 random trades

yeah i knew something was off there
me, ici, wind, misty all claimed to be traded with

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“We shall start with the first execution. You shall all revert back to your former Ultimates for these, you may thank me later.”

so who was the damn mastermind

All your classcards are back to normal.

whysper then?

she said she voted datbird

gee thanks
I can go back to dying with a gun in my hand instead of speaking gibberish