Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

but then how did maria know that i didn’t actually have a talent

I guess that would’ve been a good question to ask her lol

27 hours remain. Such a weird number.

43 minutes, hm.

24 hours and 43 minutes remain.

no thoughts head empty

Perhaps you need some help?

Is what I would say if I was helping you. But I’m not.

i need a lot of help in a lot of different categories

Do you really though?


no comments on whether this game is one, but

Well, someone could probably help with that. That someone would just not be me…not with the rest of your problems, I mean with the game.

and who would that someone be

Someone alive, obviously.

Oh and by someone alive I of course mean none other than…

The doors burst open, standing with a smirk was none other than…Your buddy…Your pal…Your “best friend”, who actually deceived quite a few of you here, which is pretty funny that they’re back. Itsssss…@Marluxion!

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inb4 one of the players presumed to be dead gets thrown in here

Hullo! It’s me!

oh heck i was right


How have you all been? Storm clouds keeping ya down?

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howdy, seat buddy

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