Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Oh that explains why Ici was unkillable, she was bodyguarded

so pog champ?

So all we had to do was actually vote the wrong person out to save ourselves


The world around you crumbles one last time before you all begin to collapse to the ground. What’s the…What’s the point anymore?

You all fall unconscious, basically at the same time.

i don’t know man

(shh, we’re unconscious)

I don’t even think I revealed the chapter name to you guys, did I?

(no lol)

Chapter 3: A World Inside of a World.

12 remain.


Oh wow, what a creative chapter name! :slight_smile:

Chapter 3 Map. Green indicates a Ring-Up Box. Roles will now be randomised.


Randomisation is complete. You will now be sent your roles.

You all also look in your pocket and find out all your tokens are gone…But wait…What can you use to trade then…?..Maybe check out the Challenge Room…


By the way, any Spare-Me Tokens will NOT be taken and any players who have any will still have them right now.

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Looking for a replacement!


Please DM me on Discord to replace in.

I don’t believe I ever stated this but:

Red Weapons are weapons that will give a tick of Murderous Intent.
Yellow Weapons are weapons that will count towards the lore of the game and most likely cannot be used apart from the situational use.
Lime Weapons are weapons that will automatically defend you from an attack no matter if you prequeued it or not.


Any other weapons I don’t care about.

For all intensive purposes and before anyone wastes abilities, tries to find or anything to do with them, the player who replaced out was Geyde. Please do not discuss the replace out but because this is a Misc I am inclined to mention this.

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Day 9 has begun. Keep in mind…24 hours until the Main Game begins…

Challenges are now available at the Challenge Room!