Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

I mean Jane picked it in Chapter 1 lol

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But he told me he was gonna be offline when the challenges opened, and i believe he was still offline when the trade occured

Marshal also claims to have been offline during the trades, right?

i think so

i have no clue

because that guarantees he doesn’t have the sac card as he could only have gotten it from the second trade, but I was the recipient so no

no, I didn’t

I hadn’t even stepped into the booth to do challenges when first trade happened so couldn’t have been me


unless you ulted

but you did say that you only use it in specific scenarios

uh you’d know if I ulted

Okay so there is something for it lol


i still feel weird about that trade

based on what Waz said it’s pretty likely that someone traded for the Sacrifice card rather than targeting you

Wait what

people can trade for the specific card?

i thought it was only the person

Thats fucking bonkers if true

no they shouldn’t be able to, but read Wazza’s posts at start of trial

YTTD spoiler:

on another note there was an interference by someone running the game in Ch2 of the actual game (and it was teased in a similar way by another person in charge getting pissed at them briefly before being cut off) so I wouldn’t be too shocked if something similar happened here

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yeah the host interference makes me think someone put tokens in for a trade and literally just asked for the sacrifice card

Did you tell anyone about it in the first place?

Hm… Well, that will be difficult, because you see: I didn’t do it. As I have said before, I basically didn’t do anything.

I went from Living Room to Challenger Room to Kitchen and then I finally stopped at Dining Room.

Living Room is basic. I’m pretty sure everyone who didn’t leave can confirm this.
Challenger Room could be backed up by… IIRC Windward.
I was alone in the Kitchen for a bit, so I had no alibi there.
Finally, Mist can confirm I remained in Dining Room until Main Game started.

meaning, if it’s not Ici, then someone’s actually trying to win with it

which brings me back to my point
who thinks they could?

yeah i dont think Zone ever touched the challenge room outside of like one time lol

Half-shame, half-meh.
I kinda wanted to see what the challenges were, but I’m fairly sure I wouldn’t be able to participate.