Your Turn To Die Misc - (2/20) - Game Over

Marshal literally doesn’t have stars because he never did a challenge, so unless I’m lying or Blizer is lying he doesn’t have the sac

did blizer have any stars?

what if the mastermind has a single use ability to force the trade?

wait but why would they force it onto marshal of all people and not arctic

unless the mastermind is literally misty

insert mistymind joke

Think we would’ve heard a trade signal anyway

yeah but for the first trade i mean

People who were in the challenge room:

Blizer - got at least one star
Trochi - ???
Arctic - at least 2 stars, probably purchased 50 tokens
Marl - ???
Ici - 1 star, bought Dat’s info with it
Whysper - ???
Dat - collected more than 1 star afaik
App - ??? may have purchased 100 tokens

If MM took the sac card then the funny thing is they still have it

send help i’m having stocks explained to me by a 16 year old

Don’t buy in right now unless you’re planning to sell quickly
The end

that’s exactly what he’s saying

they didn’t take the card
they used an ability to force the swap between marshal and blizer

i got a challenge but i can’t talk about it
i have no intention of completing it

I mean my friends who are more active in stonks said to buy in since it’ll probably shoot up to 2k next week but I have serious doubts

If you hold too long you’ll make a huge loss, so don’t invest money that you actually want back

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it may lead to my death after this trial i’m not sure
i dont have any tokens

Oh a force swap
Idk if that’s a thing?

it could be one possible explanation for marshal and blizer both telling the truth

Neither do I lol